Jain University Bangalore Results Admission Courses Syllabus Ph D Recruitment

posted by Chidananda M R on 11:05 PM |                      >> 0 Comments

Jain University is a most popular Deemed university in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It was established on 1990 by Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain. The University offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research level programmes. Jain University are offered Ph.D. and M.Phil programmes in 20 discipline. It is a member of the JGI.

Jain University is promoted by the Jain University Trust. The Jain University Trust is managed by the JGI Group. Its Headquartered at Bangalore. The University has 35000 students and 3200 staff members engaged at the P - 12, undergraduate & postgraduate levels across 53 campuses and centers of excellence.

Jain University brings in thought leadership with a blend of academic rigour and a hands-on applicability to real-world issues. The learning environment is enriched by a team of highly talented & motivated faculty and staff, and an illustrious leadership. Jain University advocates sports as an integral part of the curriculum in conformity with the holistic vision. Talented students who have reached national & international standards or in some instances played in leagues or clubs in any sport are provided academic support and scholarship.

The Jain university includes the following Constituent colleges and centers in Bangalore, Karnataka.

  • Center for Management Studies
  • Center for Post Graduate Studies
  • Centre for Research in Social Science and Education
  • Centre for Emerging Technologies
  • Centre for Nano and Material Sciences
  • Centre for Research in Pure and Applied Sciences
  • Centre for Disaster Mitigation
  • Centre for Ancient Indian History & Culture
  • Centre for Indian Psychology
  • Centre for Advanced Studies in Biosciences
  • Chenraj Roychand Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • International Institute for Aerospace Engineering and Management
Jain University Admissions 2014-15
The JU Bangalore invited applications for admission of various undergraduate, postgraduate, research programmes and Dual degree courses in the academic year 2014-2015 from various candidates.
M. Phil Admission : The M.Phil. Degree shall have the status of an intermediate Degree between the first Post-Graduate Degree and the Doctorate Degree. It will have both research and course components and will give the student adequate background for advanced research.
M Phil Courses, Eligibility, Duration, Admission Procedure and Entrance Test Details

Ph D Admission : JUB invited applications for Ph D admission, click in the below link for more detail
Ph d Courses, Eligibility, Duration, Admission Procedure and Entrance Test Details

BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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